Benetl, a free ETL tool for files working with postgreSQL and MySQL
Benetl is a free ETL tool
an ETL to easily manage csv/txt/xls/json files
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Home page > Documentation > 3. Fields found use

3. Fields found use

Fields found use:

EtlTool gives fields found. Fields names can be the first line read if you said yes to "Is this titles ?".
If you said that fields of the first line read are not titles, the fields are renamed like "field_1" ...

In this screen:

You can define the use of the field: entity, date, yes, no.

An entity is what you would like to show, measure. An entity as an example can be the label of a router, a trademark, a name ...
All the lines from your datasource containing the same entity are "linked": Benetl is using an "entities" table, listing all the entities. And all datasource lines are pointing to an entity in this table.

You need one entity field and one date field per datasource line.
Fields names must all be different.

If you say field use: "yes", you define a normal field, it is a field that is containing a value.
If you say field use: "no", the field will be excluded from extraction.

For a date, you can define an operator: none, gt, geq, lt, leq, like, unlike, part.

For an entity, you can define an operand: none, part, like, unlike.

For a normal field (field with use is "yes"): none, plus, minus, divide, multiply, part, like, unlike.

The "part" operator is probably the most powerful capacity of an EtlTool.

See 12. Part operator rubrique in documentation.

fields found use

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